As you begin, please review and complete the following items:

1. Download WhatsApp: this is a messaging platform on which ALL of the information for the life of the program is shared. This is the most critical communication tool of the program. Please make sure to add your name and photo to your profile!

2. Fill out the Faculty-in-Residence Registration form. This information is critical to the program for many reasons (for example, to begin the process of enrolling you in a health care plan, registering you with the city, enrolling your children in school, preparing our caterers for any food allergies you may have, and so forth).

3. Work closely with the IP Office to ensure that your visa and work permit are being processed by Pepperdine’s Swiss lawyers (the Switzerland Program is not involved in this process). For the Fall FiR, you should start working with the IP Office 8 months in advance (the January before) because it will require you to assemble quite a few pieces of documentation in advance. Please click here for a sample list of documents that may be required.

4. Confirm with IP and Corniche that your FALL flight will arrive into Geneva a week before students arrive (select the 10:00am arrival time, if possible; 12 noon at the latest). For the SPRING flight, you will likely arrange you own travel, but please be aware that your are expected to arrive by 12 noon, two days before students arrive. If you are flying back to Switzerland, please select a flight that arrives into Geneva around 10:00am. Remember to take into account that flights traveling east typically lose one day in travel (for example, if a flight leaves LA on Tuesday, it arrives in Switzerland on Wednesday). Please confirm with the Switzerland Program Director the exact day you should arrive before purchasing the ticket. Click on the Academic Year Role to learn more about your arrival and departure dates.

5. Prepare an Introduction by the time you arrive. On the first evening students arrive, you will be provided with an opportunity to introduce yourself (and partner and child[ren], if applicable). More information about this can be found here, point 3).

6. Solidify your approach to House Church before you arrive, including assembling resources, recruiting students to participate, identifying student leaders, etc.

Thank you for your attention with these important items.