1. packing

The departure process can be a stress-free experience when you follow these rules for packing: 

  • Start early. Don't save your packing for the last minute. When you are trying to say goodbye to the city and community you have come to love, the last thing you want to be doing is hastily cramming stuff in a suitcase. Do yourself a favor, start packing non-essentials away early. You'll thank yourself later!

  • Don't forget about your prohibited items! If you have stored any prohibited items that are not allowed in your room with the Student Life Team, do not forget to make room for them in your bags and to take their weight into account when calculating your baggage weight limits. Most prohibited items are fragile and often contain liquid so you will want to make sure you plan to wrap and cushion them carefully in your baggage.

  • Use the donation boxes: Have some additional items that just aren't worth taking home? Leave them in our donation boxes. Our staff will donate clothing, shoes, and other items back to the less fortunate through the region clothing donation program.

2. room Checkout forms

Want to be ready for checkouts at your assigned time? Click Here to preview the list of the items you need to complete for a successful checkout. Your RAs will use the same form to assess your room. 

3. Cell phone cancelation 

For students Swiss Cell phone plans, you will need to call the phone operator and cancel. If you fail to cancel your plan, you will continue to be charged even after you leave the country.

  • If you do not cancel and we receive any invoice in your name, we will ask you to pay via Squarespace.

4. Shipping

If you have collected more souvenirs than your suitcases and carry on can handle, you may need to ship some things home. Be warned: the cost to ship is often equal or greater than the cost of paying for an additional bag at the airport. However, in some cases where you need to ship large, bulky items, shipping can be advantageous. 

If you are going to ship, we would recommend using the regular Swiss post office. The average price of a 33lb box through Swiss Post is 97 CHF, compared to 444 CHF with the private shipping company DHL. 

To ship an item through Post, follow this procedure:

  1. Fill in the form online by clicking on this link. (remember to put the weight and value of your package in kilos and Swiss francs)

  2. Print the 5 pages (print them single sided) (pdf of forms filled in with info attached)

  3. Sign all the forms

  4. Go to the ATMs to get some cash.

  5. Go to the post office with the package and the paperwork filled in.

  6. Pay at the post office (in cash).


After your departure date, students are not able to return to the house to pick up luggage or for house tours. If you are traveling after your departure date and need long term luggage storage options, you can try one of the options below:

Geneva airport.

SBB Lockers

Bounce Luggage storage service

Radical Lausanne