Spiritual Life

The process of traveling and learning is, and always has been, an act that carries the potential for profound spiritual transformation. In the 12th to 15th centuries, Switzerland was a major crossroads for Christian pilgrims on the Way of St. James bound for northern Spain. Many were looking for healing, a chance to restart their lives anew, or to examine the evidence of their faith in the relics of the saints.

In the same way, more than 800 years later, our students come to Switzerland with many of the same desires. As they go along the journey of an academic year, many are looking for a chance to begin again, to wrestle with the reality of God, or to learning the meaning of worship in a community that knows and loves them.

Within this process of spiritual inquiry and devotion, the Faculty-in-Residence (FiR) plays a very important role in fostering the contexts in which our students can be drawn into worship and faithful reflection.  One of the main ways this occurs is through our weekly "house church" which is lead by the FiR. Though every FiR member has his/her own style, most find the greatest success by incorporating students in the process of leading worship, planning content, or serving in various ways as speakers or readers. There is a fine balance to be aware of, however. If the FiR turns the process completely over to students, they often lack the ability to faithfully lead their peers in a meaningful Christian devotion. On the other hand, if the FiR are exclusively involved in the planning or execution of house church, students feel disempowered and unmotivated. Since each student group is different, the program staff, along with the RAs and other student leaders, can help you discern how to best approach and structure your House Church time.

To help you reflect on the substance and logistics of your weekly House Church, we have asked a former Faculty-in-Residence, Dr. Gary Selby, to share his approach to this critical part of the spiritual formation experience while abroad.  


As mentioned in the above video, Gary Selby has provided the Switzerland Program with a collection of worship sheet resources, and those can be accessed in this Google Drive folder.

Further Resources

To prepare for your role in spiritual leadership, consider reading the following resources before you arrive.