In addition to their roles in teaching, spiritual life, and community formation, Faculty-in-Residence (FiR) are expected to play a role in enforcing Pepperdine community standards. FiR enforcement of policies can range from reminding students to wear their shoes on the public floors of the Château to serving as the faculty representative on a Student Disciplinary Committee (SDC). Though many disciplinary issues are resolved without the use of a SDC, the most serious disciplinary cases, where student dismissal and suspension from the university are possible, will almost certainly involve your participation unless you are required to recuse yourself due to your involvement with the case being decided. 

Because serving as a disciplinary agent is not a normal role for a faculty member on Malibu's campus, this can sometimes be an unfamiliar and emotionally-trying component of your work in Switzerland. The program staff can discuss your disciplinary responsibilities more with you during training before the beginning of your term in Switzerland. In the meantime, it may be helpful for you to read the Switzerland RA handbook. Many of the topics covered in the handbook apply to the FiR and will give you a sense of the common disciplinary scenarios and procedures used abroad.