Academic Life

The academic life in Swizerland is rigorous for both students and professors. Shorter semesters during the academic year (12 weeks vs. 14 weeks) mean longer class times and more material that needs to be covered. Students' travel schedules and nightly activities stretch them thin, leading to stress and frustration when they find their classroom performance does not meet their expectations.

The nature of living in the house with students is sometimes challenging for Faculty-in-Residence (FiR) who are not used to living in close community with those they teach. Due to the close nature of professor/student relationships abroad, our professors typically report that their percentage of student grade disputes increases. There are also certain emotional and relational strains that are created when teaching in close proximity with the students. In Malibu, you may assign a student a poor mark in your class and never see them again. In Château d’Hauteville, you will certainly see that student at dinner later that night. This can create tension and breaches of relationship that are different than the kind professors experience on campus. 

With that said, the integration of learning and experience abroad creates a deep and fulfilling teaching experience. Some of our previous FiR have commented that their time abroad reminded them of why they loved teaching in the first place! Though the challenges are real, the rewards are great. We know you will love teaching in Switzerland! 

  • For all academic inquiries, including class times, syllabi information, or classroom facility information, please contact Sophie Peeters.

  • For course schedule information, book lists, or program calendar information, consult the academic section of our program website under "Current Students” ( .

  • For all other academic inquiries, contact the Program Director, Ezra Plank.