Course Evaluations

Fall 2023 dates

11/28 - Administer Course Evals (Tue/Thu) - 8:00 AM
11/29 - Administer Course Evals (Mon/Wed) - 8:00 AM

12/01 - Course Evaluations Close

Directions for Administering Online Student Course Evaluation Surveys

These directions for the administration of student course evaluations surveys were adopted by the Seaver Faculty Association.

Since thoughtful reflection is very important, please allow a minimum of 15 minutes for completion of the surveys at the beginning of a class session during the survey period.

The survey period opens at 5 p.m. on the WP/WF deadline day (Friday preceding the last week of classes) and closes before final exams begin (3 a.m. on the Monday of final exam week). Instructors should remind students beforehand to bring a computer or tablet to class so that they can complete the survey.

Read the following statement to your class prior to releasing the students to fill out the evaluation forms:

“Thank you for taking the time to complete these course evaluation surveys. Your input is a very important part of ensuring the highest quality of teaching here at Seaver. Evaluations really do count. These surveys help faculty improve their classes for future students as well as contribute valuable information for faculty performance and promotion reviews. I (your professor) will not be able to see the evaluation until after grades have been assigned. Comments regarding strengths of the class are as helpful as those regarding areas that need improvement.

Absent yourself from the room while students are filling out the form.

Avoid offering incentives for the completion of the surveys, since the uneven distribution of any kind of incentives, such as extra credit or food, may skew results.

If possible, surveys should be administered on a day as similar as possible to a typical class day, (e.g. end-of-semester celebrations should preferably occur on a different day of the semester). Students who are absent or have forgotten a device can still complete the surveys since they are available during the entire survey period and not linked to in-class administration.