Illness Form
Excused Absences are only given to students for doctor-verified cases of illness; classes missed due to mild illnesses (e.g., a cold) will be counted against students as part of the absence policy. To request an Excused Absence for an illness, students must follow the following steps:
Submit your Illness Form before your class.
If you are too ill to attend class, you must go to the Vevey Urgent Care (Centre médical) at the Vevey Train Station immediately to get medical assistance and verify your illness.
You must immediately send your doctor’s note to Sophie Peeters via WhatsApp and deposit the hard copy in his mailbox. The note must specify that you are excused from class.
Any missed classes can only be excused if a doctor’s note is submitted within 4 hours of the class's beginning. (i.e. an excused absence for an 8:00 am French class would require the submission of a doctor’s note by 12:00 pm)
Students must submit an illness form each day they are seeking an excused absence. Students must submit the illness form after midnight and before the first class they intend to miss.